chasing the sun

the continuing search for the unattainable

12:53 PM

will you?

Posted by jenn |

[i don't typically write stuff like this because i don't like to be dreamy too often and i'm uncomfortable with some of my own longings. But the future and some of these thoughts have been in my heart lately and so I wrote this...(can you tell that I'm listening to Parachutes today]

Will you write a song for me?
Will you let me rest my head on your shoulder when I’m not sleepy?
Will you be calm, collected, and creative when I’m a wreck?
Will you go two miles with me if I ask you to go one?
Will you put the dishes away if I wash them?
Will you be bold when I can’t be?
Will you support me without being patronizing?
Will you stay with me even after you’ve met my family?
Will you tell me when I’ve had too much to drink?
Will you let me do the crossword puzzles in your newspaper?
Will you seek to please God before you seek to please me?
Will you challenge me emotionally and intellectually?
Will you travel the world with me?
Will you ask me to dance when it’s just the two of us?
Will you not make promises you can’t keep?
Will you make me laugh?
Will you remember how I take my coffee?
Will you tell me what’s on your mind and in your heart?
Will you walk in the rain with me?
Will you ask if sometimes you don’t understand me?
Will you let me be ridiculous?
Will you love justice and mercy and try to practice both?
Will you let me need you subtly?


beth smith said...

That's really cool Jenn. I remember you said a silly thing once - that I wasn't the marrying kind - and you figured yourself that way too. Goodness - your heart is made for a soul mate. It's going to be great when you are together.

I know it sounds typically Beth style to go to the Bible and give a sermon! But - the psalm that says delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart - well, someone said that when it says he will give you the desires of your heart - it means - God will put the desires in your heart.

He's going to fullfill it Jenn - but He needs to be first before everything else - first in your heart, longing and deep love. It seems like there's no other way...

It made me laugh when you wrote about when you might drink too much!!

Am I a bore with the things I write? I remember having discussions in the commons, eating one of those ice-creams with cookies or butterfingers in them (what were they called?) or dinking a kiwi and strawberry snapple. Well - those were my commons treats anyway. America seems so far away now!

I'm hungry for life. Seems there are so many ways of filling that hinger...(oh - you mean 'hunger' yez, that's what I said you fool - hinger! Inspector Cluso - the pink panther)(I just saw my spelling mistake and couldn't resist :) God has made us full of emotion and heart - we are restless as the poet or old hymn writer said!

Anyway - goodbye.
Its a beautiful song.

Love, Beth

jenn said...

I like that psalm. God gave it to me at a time when I really needed it and I was thinking about it last night, about him being first before any and everything else. I was reading Blue Like Jazz too again. Don Miller writes about his friend who told him that marriage is what you think it's going to be. And I was thinking that he's probably right.

And I feel like I want to be the person I want to be with - you know. All these things that I want I also long to be for someone else and I feel like that's the healthiest thought I've had in a while.

And I'm really sorry if what I said about us not being the marrying kind has caused you to doubt that God has that in store for you. Any man would be lucky to find you, dear friend. Your are kind, gracious, brave and beautiful.

I miss our long, deep philosophical conversations over the pool table and me with my rubbish Scottish accent....hehehehe

jenn said...

umm...I meant to say (at the end of the first paragraph) that marriage isn't what you think its going to be! oops

Mary said...

jenn, i really liked this. it is so honest. and in its honesty and simplicity, it is beautiful.

i do miss you, friend.

beth smith said...

Hey. I'm so glad to have read these comments! Over here I don't seem to get connected to up to date blog pages somehow - and I was always sent to your old one (the change is really nice by the way :) and when I clicked on 'comment' it was like nothing was accessible, and I thought that meant you deleted my comment!! I thought - 'oh well, fair enough. no problem!!' But - how lovely that I was mistaken and you actually wrote really nice things in reply :)

It's a relly good observation that you want in someone the things you want to see in yourself. Takes some thinking on... It's really hopeful, and might just be who you actually are, or atleast developing into. I think you are like the song you wrote.

And thanks for what you said about me. I know if God has a guy in mind he and 'we' gonna be great.:)I get lonesome sometimes - and then the times pass, and I'm content with learning more about me and living out another kind of adventure.

Cool, lots of love,
