chasing the sun

the continuing search for the unattainable

4:56 PM

my lists of 4

Posted by jenn |

four things of which I never tire:
1. watching people on the “L”
2. rain
3. Tex-Mexican food
4. my iPod

four places I love to go:
1. the movies
2. London
3. Chipotle
4. South Africa

four countries I can’t wait to visit:
1. Albania
2. Zambia
3. Italy
4. New Zealand

four books I have read more than twice:
1. Blue Like Jazz
2. the Bible
3. Harry Potter
4. Pride and Prejudice

four things I kind of miss:
1. New Kids on the Block
2. cassette tapes
3. church choir
4. Apple Slice

four things I want to do before I die:
1. end poverty
2. get married
3. visit the Louvre
4. learn to scuba dive

four of my favorite foods:
1. kettle corn
2. guacamole
3. a medium-cooked steak
4. basmati rice (new favorite)

four songs I can always listen to:
1. seasons of love - the original cast of RENT
2. the scientist - coldplay
3. wonderwall - ryan adams version
4. worn me down - rachel yamagata

four things I could do without:
1. zoned parking
2. TV evangelists
3. beets
4. the blue-collar comedy tour

four things that scare me:
1. being in debt
2. my mother
3. politicians
4. my roommate’s cooking (I hope she doesn’t read this – good thing I have 2 roommates)

four things I do that are kind of nerdy:
1. love Star Wars
2. crossword puzzles
3. separate my M&M’s by color before I eat them (this may be more OCD than nerdy)
4. watch the history channel


beth smith said...

Hi Jennie.
Like the list! Hope your Mom doesn't read it! Ryan Adams is really good isn't he? Well, just saying hi, I'm back up in the north of Albania. Just watched "Vanity Fair" on my computer - used the battery - no power, kept warm with a hot water bottle, nice atmosphere with candles! Reese Witherspoon is in the film. I really like her as an actress. Good film.
Cool. See ya later, Nice to see Albania on the list :)
Ciao, Beth x
